Confession- this post is really about homemade butter with a killer pancake recipe tossed in for fun. I am trying to be kind to you sweet people out there who maybe don’t get as excited as I do about the homemade butter. If you are just here for the pancake recipe, it’s cool. Scroll on down, it won’t hurt my feelings. But the extra 10 minutes to make the butter –so worth it.
The first and last time I tasted honest-to-goodness homemade butter was in Mrs. Cox’s first grade class. A classmate’s daddy worked at a local dairy and they trotted out 30 six year olds to learn where we get milk and butter. Machines magically milked the cows and then we each took a turn at an old fashioned butter churn. The fresh cream finally turned to butter, and we all lined up to taste a tiny bit spread on a saltine cracker. You have no idea how hard it was for my six year old self to not grab for a second cracker. So sweet, fresh and creamy I really have no idea why it took me another 30 years to make it for myself. But today I did, and it took all of 10 minutes.
A sweet way to treat your family at brunch or impress your dinner party friends. And seriously- 10 minutes. The difference between this and anything you buy at the store is night and day. So doggone good. This will take your baked goods to an entirely new level of yummy.
You basically just take the best quality cream you can find, blend it into oblivion and add salt. Boom.

Two ingredients
I used my hand mixer, but you can do this in a blender, food processor, stand mixer or just put in a jar and shake it. The shaking method is going to take you more than 10 minutes, so I don’t really recommend it. Although, possibly a genius idea to occupy small children. Hmmmm.
Anyway, pour two cups of heavy cream into a bowl and mix on high speed until it looks like this. The butter solids and buttermilk will separate. Use a bigger bowl than I did. I made quite the mess with buttermilk splatters. Totally worth it.
Line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth and place a bowl underneath to catch the buttermilk. Buttermilk pancakes, anyone?
Rinse the butter with cold water and use your hands to squeeze out water and any remaining buttermilk. If you don’t rinse it, you run the risk of it turning rancid very quickly. Salt also helps to make it last longer- and taste better.
Mix in the salt
Spoon it into your cute butter crock like this one my mom gave me. You can get your own here. Have fun looking around your kitchen for anything and everything that looks like it would be good with fresh, homemade butter.

Gorgeous home made butter
And if you are feeling creative, mix it whatever add ins you like. Add a teaspoon or so of chopped fresh thyme and rosemary for an herb butter to melt over veggies, or swirl in some local honey for your breakfast toast. Right now, I’m adding fresh chopped thyme to half my batch and a little honey and cinnamon to the other half. So good! The variations are endless. Leave a note and let us know how you use your homemade butter and your ideas for yummy add-ins. We would love to try them!
And attention, Saturday Breakfast- this butter wants these pancakes. The recipe is adapted from one on Chocolate and Chai. I add extra vanilla, cinnamon and pinch of nutmeg to her recipe. I also swap the white sugar for coconut sugar. They are goooood. Especially with the homemade butter (the half with honey and cinnamon, just to be clear). 😉
As always, thank you so much for stopping by. Please subscribe by entering your email in the box at the top right of the page to get new recipes delivered directly to your in-box each week. Happy cooking! Alan & Amanda
Homemade Butter

Home made butter in 10 minutes. So good and so easy. Elevate your pastries, veggies and meats with this crock of delightful business.
- 2 cups fresh heavy cream
- 1/2 t kosher salt
- Pour cream into a large, heavy bowl
- Mix with hand mixer on high speed until butter solids and buttermilk separate- about 5-6 minutes
- Line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth and set over a bowl
- Pour mixture into strainer catching the buttermilk in the bowl
- Rinse the butter with cold water
- Use your hands to squeeze out any remaining buttermilk and pat dry
- Transfer to a clean bowl and stir in your salt and any herbs or add ins you like
- Keep in fridge for about a week.

Easy, peasy fluffy pancakes to make your weekend feel like the weekend.
- 1 C All Purpose Flour
- 2 T Coconut Sugar (can sub white sugar)
- 2 t Baking Powder
- pinch salt
- 1/4 t ground cinnamon
- pinch ground nutmeg
- 1 Egg, slightly beaten
- 3/4 C Milk
- 1 1/2 t vanilla
- 2 T melted butter
- Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt in a large bowl.
- In a medium bowl, combine the beaten egg, milk, vanilla and melted butter
- Pour wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix until just combined. You want to leave some lumps.
- Heat a little butter or cooking oil in a non stick skillet over medium low heat.
- Use a 1/4 C measuring cup to spoon batter in the pan.
- When the air bubbles pop leaving little holes in your pancake, flip and cook another minute.
- Enjoy hot pancakes with homemade butter, your favorite fruit and maple syrup. Yum!
Homemade butter is what caught my eye! Oh my goodness I love homemade butter. Tried it for the first time last summer while we were camping. Someone forgot the butter but we had heavy cream, salt and a plastic water bottle. I’m hooked. Sharing this.
Thanks Dionne!